miRTargetLink Human

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Interaction landscape for a single microRNA:

Target-gene overlap between multiple microRNAs:

To view an example, leave fields empty and click search

Interaction landscape for a single gene symbol:

MicroRNA interaction overlap between multiple genes:

To view an example, leave fields empty and click search

Perform Over-representation analysis with GeneTrail2, a tool for statistical analysis of molecular signatures that was developed in the Chair for Bioinformatics at the University of Saarland.

Perform Over-representation analysis for:

The colour of the indicates the amount of interactions they are involved in. Orange three or more , that two are coloured Blue. If there are that any in the overlapping interaction set they are excluded from the graph. Note that interactions shown here are all experimentally validated. Interactions with strong experimental evidence are depicted by green edges, interactions with weaker evidence are depicted by blue or orange edges.